![Dr Jonathan Haymore MD Spokane Eye Clinic](/assets/BioImages/Dr-Jonathan-Haymore-MD-Spokane-Eye-Clinic__FocusFillWzUwNiw1MDYsInkiLDBd.jpg)
Helpful Links
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Optometric Association
Tecnis Multifocal
Macular Degeneration Foundation
Lilac Services for the Blind
Spokane Central Lions Club
Lions Low Vision Clinic
Abbott Medical Optics Inc.
Double Vision (Adult)
Double vision, or diplopia, is the symptom of seeing two of the same object you are looking at. Seeing double all the time can be very troubling. Double vision most often occurs in adult strabismus (eye misalignment) patients.
Visit pagePhysiologic Diplopia in Adults
Normal Double VisionDid you know that everyone experiences a form of double vision all the time but is not aware of it?
Physiologic diplopia, or “normal double vision”, is a phenomenon where objects are doubled, either in front of or behind, whatever target you focus on.
Headaches in Adults
Double Vision or Aneurysm?A new symptom of double vision, particularly in adults, may be a sign of a neurologic abnormality and should be evaluated by an eye doctor for signs of something serious.
Visit pageQuestions Your Eye Doctor Will Ask About Your Double Vision
Double vision (seeing two images of the object you are looking at) is most often experienced by adults with eye misalignment (strabismus), though occasionally can happen with children.
Visit pageAmblyopia / Lazy Eye (Adult)
What is Amblyopia?Amblyopia, often referred to as “lazy eye," is a decrease in visual acuity — the eye’s ability to see — due to poor visual development in childhood in one or both eyes. It results in blurry, poor vision in one or both eyes.
Visit pageAnisocoria / Different Size Pupils (Adult)
Unequal Size PupilsAnisocoria is the medical term for unequal pupil sizes. In a few people, this could be just normal for them and not of any concern, though in these cases, the difference in size is usually relatively small.
Visit pageColobomas
Key-hole PupilHave you ever seen a keyhole-shaped pupil? This is called an iris coloboma. A coloboma is a congenital abnormality of the eye that occurs because one or more parts of the eye do not close correctly during development.
Visit pageConjunctivitis / Pink Eye
Eye Infections (Conjunctivitis / Pink Eye) in AdultsIt's concerning to wake up in the morning with an eye sealed shut with yellow goo. Getting prompt treatment is important because you may have conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), an infection of the superficial covering of the eye (conjunctiva).
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