Costume Contact Lenses are All Trick and No Treat

October 26, 2023

Halloween is on Tuesday, and our experts warn that wearing non-prescription colored contacts isn't worth the risk.

October is Healthy Aging Month

October 2, 2023

October is Healthy Aging Month. How can you reduce your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or having it become more advanced? Read on!

5 Tips to Protect Your Young Athletes’ Eyes

September 11, 2023

Nearly 30,000 people suffer sports-related eye injuries every year, requiring an ER visit. Over 90% of eye-injury-related ER visits can be avoided if an athlete wears protective eyewear. Even low-intensity sports pose some risk for eye injuries

Safety at Home: Preventing Eye Injuries

August 7, 2023

Did you know that about half of all eye injuries happen at home?

Home activities that can injure your eyes include:

Cleaning - Chemicals like bleach in household cleaning products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year.
Home Improvement - Screws, nails and hand tools can launch into the air—and into your eyes. Power tools can also send wood chips or other substances flying into the air....

Eye Injury Prevention

July 6, 2023

Protecting your eyes from injury is one of the simplest things you can do to keep your vision healthy throughout your life.